Budget Allocation: Symbiosa believes in a people-driven budgeting process, earmarking funds for locally-led economic development and eco-friendly infrastructure. Their financial resources could be managed via a community-driven economic development fund.
Agenda Setting: Symbiosa's community-guided process identifies significant economic issues within the community and formulates a collective vision to tackle them. This could involve community-driven research and analysis.
Project Management: They follow a community-oriented project management approach that emphasizes local autonomy and decision-making. Economic development endeavors are co-planned with the community, and the implementation is performed by community members, supplemented by external partners.
In Symbiosa, citizens are answerable to each other, upholding their "SororoPrincipoj" (Principles of Brotherhood). Their justice system hinges on transformative justice, striving for systemic evolution and liberation from oppressive structures.
Partners, eager to back social businesses and labor cooperatives, show staunch support for their unique currencies and fiscal systems - "Ekvidivido". Their commitment lies in endorsing sustainable structures and renewable energy. They maintain cooperative economic and financial labs, a platform to exchange and refine ideas for alternate economies.
Success in Symbiosa extends beyond GDP. They employ a "KomunumoRicheso" tool (Community Wealth Assessment) to measure their collective wealth, encompassing social, natural, and cultural assets.
A "SocioReturno" tool evaluates the social, environmental, and economic returns from their social ventures and labor cooperatives.
Lastly, a "Sustainability Index" gauges the environmental and social impacts of their activities, from carbon footprints to justice indicators.