In a corner of the globe, nestled amidst flourishing biodiversity, exists a steadfast fellowship called Selvalore (Forest Wisdom). This community, known for its unwavering commitment to safeguarding local ecosystems, puts forth the notion of Kitalata (Earth Stewardship). Through their actions, they honor age-old wisdom and traditions to nurture and revitalize their environment.

The Selvalorians, equipped with pioneering methods of mapping and observing ecological prosperity, have formed a symbiotic relationship with nature. Their practices have demonstrable impacts, not only boosting the vitality of their surroundings but also enriching their own lives.

They've built communal entities, fondly named Rizoma Konsilios (Root Councils), to oversee natural resources and conserve ecological networks. These councils don't just guide - they involve every Selvalorian, weaving together ancestral wisdom, contemporary science, and inclusive decision-making. Their philosophy also guides their engagement in the development sector, intertwining traditional knowledge with modern practices to promote sustainable progress.



Budget allocation: Selvalore practices 'Vitafundin' (Life Funding), a participatory budgeting process where members congregate to earmark conservation project funds based on their comprehension of local ecology. Allocations could come from a community-managed conservation trust or akin entity.

Agenda setting: The community sparks 'Concorda Ecos' (Nature's Concord) - a local-led course that involves identifying chief conservation matters and formulating a collective vision to tackle them. This might call for a blend of traditional ecological wisdom and contemporary research.

Project management: Upholding 'Kumunideko' (Community's Compass), Selvalore embraces a community-led approach to project management that accentuates local control and decision-making. Conservation projects are co-designed with the community, and execution is conducted by community members with assistance from external partners.

In Selvalore, everyone is tasked with a concept called 'Inteleki Kuvaka' (Intellectual Building) - a mutual accountability to each other and their cherished natural systems. They instigate justice through an organic form of reparative justice called 'Amanzi Asuli' (Water Restoration) that aims to mend ruptured bonds between people and nature.


The Selvalorians seek partners who acknowledge and respect their heritage and wisdom. They ask for backing for their conservation efforts and a pledge to invest in sustainable local livelihoods, terming this 'Luma Umea' (Growing Together).To foster alliances, they host 'Ecos-Pangaea' (Ecological Gathering) sessions. These are participatory mapping workshops where locals delineate their resources, inherited wisdom, and preservation focal points.


The 'Yesterra' (Past Earth) tool allows them to perceive the enduring effects of their conservation endeavors by presenting how their ecosystem might have evolved without their interventions.

'Kartographia' (Mapping Together) lets the Selvalorians chart changes in local biodiversity, pinpoint areas for enhancement, and warn of impending ecological threats.

'Oikobenefica' (Home Benefits), a co-benefits calculator, helps gauge the social, economic, and environmental boons of their conservation work, including contributions to sustainable livelihoods and community robustness.

